1. Carlyon Parish Plan September 2011 2. Carlyon Designation Decision Notice 3. Terms of Reference 6. Communication Strategy 7. Environmental Baseline - Carlyon8. First Residential Survey9. Second Residential Survey10. Business Questionnaire11. Carlyon NDP Leaflet12. Response Analysis to Surveys 1 and 213. Area Photographs14. Carlyon Green Spaces Designated15. Carlyon Green Spaces Area 116. Carlyon Green Spaces Area 217. Carlyon Green Spaces Area 318. Carlyon Green Spaces Area 419. Village Design Statements Map (all areas)20. Village Design Statements Areas 1, 2 and 321. Carlyon NDP VDS Areas 4, 5, 9 Eastern End22. Carlyon NDP VDS Areas 6, 723. Carlyon NDP VDS Areas 8, 924. Consultation Statement
25. Community Consultation Presentation Sept 2019 Porth Avallen for Presentation26. Invite Card to Consultation Event26. Invite Front27. Consultation Event Photographs28. Areas At The Event People Would Hate To Lose29. Carlyon Local Landscape Character Assessment with Appendices30. Carlyon NDP Designation Map31. St Austell Strategy Map32. Area Flood Map33. Newspaper Cutting 133. Newspaper Cutting 233. Newspaper Cutting 334. Sustainability Check Report35. Index to Summary of Evidence36. Summary of Evidence37. List of Historical and Cultural Assets38. Green Buffers Map39. Settlement Boundaries Map40. Settlement Boundary Carlyon41. Settlement Boundaries - Tregrehan & Boscundle42. Gwallon Keas Settlement Boundary43. Communications Strategy Under Covid Conditions44. HRA and SEA Screening Report45. Basic Conditions Statement
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